The cave
The Cave is an immersive installation which has been presented initially at "le Pôle International de la Préhistoire" in Dordogne, France and then released as a "360 Version" in December 2014 for the launch of the Samsung GearVR "Innovator edition".
Go back in time and cross landscapes in the mighty glacial age (30,000BP) where you discover and explore a mysterious cave. Trekking through at a slow, poetic and contemplative pace, you’re confronted by a wall of prehistoric drawings and are overcome with their strong aura, as if you were the first to discover them. Deep in the cave, the drawings reveal a buried supernatural force hidden within the soul of the stone and transport you to another dimension.
The experience is inspired by real paintings and observations which have been collected from experts in the field and the environment is based on the Vézère
Valley in France where several major caves are located, like the renowned "Lascaux" cave.
/// Credits
Production - InnerspaceVR
With the support of
Le Pôle international de la préhistoire et L'Agence culturelle départementale Dordogne-Périgord
Coordination - Catherine Roudet, Violaine Marolleau
Level design - Fabrice gaston
Lead artist - Guillaume Bertinet
Programmer - Thomas Tissot Dupont
Animation - Balthazar Auxietre
Sound design - Sylvain Buffet
Music - Maurice Moncozet, Eric Solé
Participation vocale - Annie Labeille, Andrée Riquard, Jean-Pierre Vanzo
/// More infos
Some Screenshots: